Public Records Requests
The Elko County School District strives to provide transparency to the public through its Financial Document portal and Financial Transparency Center which allow greater public access to the budgets, checkbook, audit reports, and other financial information.
Public Records Requests
Please use the Nevada Public Records Request Form and email your request to publicrequests@ecsdnv.net.
Optionally, you may mail your request to the Elko County School District, Attention: Office of the Superintendent, 850 Elm Street, Elko, NV 89801
Please note: Requests should be as specific as possible and include the requester’s contact information.
The District will respond to the request within five business days. If the District cannot fulfill the request within five business days, the District will provide written notice of that fact, let the requester know the earliest date and time it reasonably believes the record will be available, and may work with the requester to focus the request so the department can respond as expeditiously as possible.
Fees for Public Records
Per NRS 239.052, a government entity is permitted to charge a fee for the actual cost incurred in the provision of a public record. This includes, without limitation, the cost of ink, toner, paper, media, and postage.
Pursuant to NRS 239.052(2), the district chooses to waive this fee except for the following exceptions:
If the amount of staff time to collect, review for confidentiality, redact where necessary, and/or provide to the requester is less than two hours, the District will waive the fee. If the amount of staff time to collect, review for confidentiality, redact where necessary, and/or provide to the requester exceeds two hours, the amount charged shall be the actual cost or $0.50 per page, whichever is larger.
Postage costs
The media used to provide electronic records (e.g., $5 per thumb drive).
Contact Information
Please contact our office for more information.
Monday–Friday: 7:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.
Phone: (775) 738-5196
Fax: (775) 738-0808